2014 March 01
Created by Kelli 10 years ago
Mom's seemed to perk up a bit, after the bag of Cipro antibiotic, IV and doses of Zofran, protonix and blood pressure pill. After the walk to the bathroom, she slept for quite awhile. She woke up about 1am, and waved at us, then asked what time it was. She went back to sleep. About 2:30 am, we felt that she was stable enough for us to come home and get done sleep. She woke up again, just as we were leaving. She said that she was feeling better and wasn't do sick to her stomach. She looked and sounded much better too. I told her than Brandon said that she needed to be strong because she was going to owe me a lap around the hospital. ( on Wednesday in the ER after the meds started working she had told me that she felt "good enough to run around the block"). She said, " I better start watching what I say from now on." Mike Stafford, Elissa Overstreet and I will start getting ready to head back to the hospital now. No phone calls from the hospital overnight, so she must be hanging in with us.